Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Candy Does it for Everyone

Toffees are confections that are usually created with sugar mixed with water, different favors and colors that entices one to want another after giving into the indulgence the first time.  Not a bad idea when one needs to just pop something yummy and get the “work” done. The many flavors that have strike a fancy with practically everyone is the run of the milk sugar sweets.  However there are newbie’s in the arena with various flavors like chocolate coated yummies, licorice, caramel, cinnamon, white chocolate, butterscotch, peanut butter, and many more to come.  It has become a pretty interesting industry to jump into if one is looking at showcasing their creative culinary expertise.  Basically even though the confectionery industry is well received and appreciated by even the health fanatics, the more the merrier also works.  The new diabetic and additional flavors add their unique elements in this big world of candy delights.

Who can ever forget the ever so delicious lollipop that melts in your mouth with its articulate sweetness that really pops! Marzipan like pastes that are molded into sweat treats adds to the allure and indulgence.  What gets to the sweet tooth is the liquor blended chocolate fantasies.  Many a time using sweets as a welcome note to a new neighbor on the block, or a bride to the family, or a love theme on Valentine’s sure makes the recipient’s day.  A new blend of green tea candies have also been added to the cart as not everyone has the time or even the place to get a cup of tea brewing.  With this sweet in your mouth you enjoy the taste and feel of the confectionary with the well meaning of the green tea concoction. 

Making toffee is an art in itself and requires profound knowledge and immense calm intermingling the sugar or sugarless delights.  The idea in itself came across years ago and has evolved since. The established brands that have been in the running for ages have maintained their popularity with the older creations.  They also maintain a direct customer connect so that they can get feedback and implement new mixes to their ever grown confectionery sector.   Who can ever forget cotton candy that skips the heart beat of the young ones and not so old segment too!  A run of the mill chewing gum or cane also adds to the list of ‘must chew’ with practically.  The industry has stood the test of time and keeps evolving as the days go by.  Competition is fierce and the need to improvise is always on the agenda with the professionals.


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